I hope this message finds you well. With the introduction of our new reward policy, I believe it is essential for us to adopt a more proactive strategy to attract and retain technology
Creating the contribution team with right culture is essential for the success of the BoardX Plan A to Achieve the milestone. An engaging and dynamic environment allows team members to thrive, innovate, and
In the dynamic world of BoardX, becoming a power user is more than just mastering the tool; it’s about embodying a mindset and skillset that drives innovation, collaboration, and continuous learning. Here,
Phase 1: Becoming a Power User
Objective: Gain foundational knowledge and skills in AI, design thinking, and domain expertise.
* Activities:
* Participate in learning modules and training sessions on AI, design thinking and BoardX.
BoardX Skill Growth and Practice Model for Contributors
BoardX is committed to creating an environment where contributors can grow their skills and apply them effectively in both their own projects and BoardX