Crazy 8’s - Rapidly sketch eight ideas in eight minutes.

Crazy 8’s - Rapidly Sketch Eight Ideas in Eight Minutes

Crazy 8’s is a fast-paced ideation technique used to generate a wide range of ideas quickly through sketching. It encourages creativity and helps unlock innovative solutions by pushing participants to think beyond their initial ideas.

Step 1: Define the Problem or Challenge

Clearly articulate the problem or challenge that you want to address.

  1. Problem Statement: Formulate a concise and clear problem statement.
    • Example: "How can we improve the onboarding experience for new users on our app?"
  2. Scope: Determine the specific focus of the ideation session.
    • Example: Focus on the first-time user experience and key onboarding steps.

Step 2: Prepare Materials and Space

Gather the necessary materials and set up a conducive environment for sketching.

  1. Materials:
    • A4 or letter-sized paper (preferably with grid lines or divided into eight sections)
    • Markers or pens
    • A timer or stopwatch
  2. Environment: Choose a quiet space with enough room for each participant to work comfortably.

Step 3: Explain the Crazy 8’s Process

Briefly explain the Crazy 8’s process to participants to ensure everyone understands the activity.

  1. Instructions:
    • Each participant will fold their paper into eight sections or use a pre-divided template.
    • They will then sketch one idea in each section, aiming to complete all eight sketches in eight minutes.
    • Encourage participants to sketch quickly and focus on the essence of each idea rather than creating detailed drawings.
  2. Emphasis on Speed and Quantity:
    • The goal is to generate a diverse set of ideas rapidly, not to create polished sketches.
    • Encourage participants to push beyond their initial ideas and explore a variety of concepts.

Step 4: Conduct the Crazy 8’s Session

Run the Crazy 8’s session, guiding participants through the rapid sketching process.

  1. Set the Timer: Set the timer for eight minutes.
  2. Start Sketching:
    • Participants begin sketching their first idea in the first section.
    • Every minute, prompt participants to move on to the next section and sketch a new idea.
  3. Encouragement: Encourage participants to keep sketching even if they feel stuck, as the pressure of time often leads to unexpected and creative solutions.

Step 5: Review and Share Ideas

After the timer stops, review and share the generated ideas with the group.

  1. Individual Review: Give participants a few minutes to review their own sketches.
  2. Group Sharing: Have each participant present their eight sketches to the group.
    • Discuss the ideas and gather initial feedback.
    • Encourage positive and constructive feedback, focusing on the potential of each idea rather than its flaws.

Step 6: Select and Refine Promising Ideas

Identify the most promising ideas and refine them further for potential implementation.

  1. Idea Selection: Use group voting or discussion to select the top ideas that have the most potential.
    • Criteria: Consider factors such as feasibility, impact, and alignment with project goals.
  2. Refinement: Develop the selected ideas further by adding more details and considering user feedback.
    • Techniques: Use additional sketching, prototyping, or user testing to refine the ideas.

Example: Improving the Onboarding Experience for New App Users

Step 1: Define the Problem or Challenge

  • Problem Statement: "How can we improve the onboarding experience for new users on our app?"
  • Scope: Focus on the first-time user experience and key onboarding steps.

Step 2: Prepare Materials and Space

  • Materials: A4 paper divided into eight sections, markers, timer.
  • Environment: Quiet, comfortable space with enough room for sketching.

Step 3: Explain the Crazy 8’s Process

  • Instructions:
    • Sketch one idea per section.
    • Complete all eight sketches in eight minutes.
    • Focus on the core concept of each idea.

Step 4: Conduct the Crazy 8’s Session

  • Set the Timer: Eight minutes.
  • Start Sketching: Participants sketch one idea per section, moving on every minute.
  • Encouragement: Keep sketching even if you feel stuck.

Step 5: Review and Share Ideas

  • Individual Review: Participants review their own sketches.
  • Group Sharing: Each participant presents their eight sketches.
    • Discuss and gather feedback on each idea.

Step 6: Select and Refine Promising Ideas

  • Idea Selection: Group votes on the top ideas.
    • Criteria: Feasibility, impact, alignment with goals.
  • Refinement: Further develop the selected ideas.
    • Techniques: Additional sketching, prototyping, user testing.

Example Sketches: Onboarding Experience for New App Users

  1. Idea 1: Welcome Tutorial
    • Sketch: A series of screens guiding users through key features.
    • Key Features: Interactive elements, progress bar.
  2. Idea 2: Gamified Onboarding
    • Sketch: Users complete onboarding tasks to earn rewards.
    • Key Features: Points system, badges.
  3. Idea 3: Personalized Setup
    • Sketch: Users answer questions to customize their experience.
    • Key Features: Preference selection, tailored recommendations.
  4. Idea 4: Video Walkthrough
    • Sketch: An introductory video explaining app features.
    • Key Features: Play/pause controls, skip option.
  5. Idea 5: Interactive Demo
    • Sketch: Users can try features in a sandbox environment.
    • Key Features: Hands-on tutorial, no impact on actual data.
  6. Idea 6: Guided Tour
    • Sketch: On-screen prompts highlighting key functions.
    • Key Features: Step-by-step guidance, tooltips.
  7. Idea 7: Social Proof
    • Sketch: Testimonials from other users during onboarding.
    • Key Features: User reviews, success stories.
  8. Idea 8: Onboarding Checklist
    • Sketch: A checklist of tasks to complete.
    • Key Features: Progress tracking, completion incentives.

Refining Selected Ideas

  1. Selected Idea: Gamified Onboarding
    • Further Development:
      • Add detailed sketches for the points system and badges.
      • Consider user feedback to refine the gamification elements.
      • Prototype the gamified onboarding flow.
  2. Selected Idea: Personalized Setup
    • Further Development:
      • Create detailed sketches for the preference selection screens.
      • Develop a prototype to test with users.
      • Gather feedback and iterate on the experience.

By using the Crazy 8’s technique, you can rapidly generate and explore a diverse set of ideas, fostering creativity and innovation in addressing your problem or challenge.

BoardX Team

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